Wacam staff participate in capaity development activities
As part of strengthening the capacity of Wacam’s staff on issues of natural resource and its exploitation, the programme officers had the opportunity of participating in a training programme on equitable and sustainable use of natural resources in Denmark and Uganda. The course was organised in two phases by Grontmij in cooperation with Ibis in Denmark and the International law Institute(ILI) in Kampala Uganda.
Course participants with officials from Tullow
Uganda at one of their exploration sites
The aim of the course was to enhance participant’s knowledge and provide tools for them to use in curbing the challenges associated with natural resource extraction in their countries. The first phase of the course provided insight into good governance principles of natural resources such as revenue transparency, social and environmental safeguards, deciding to extract and community participation, and international trends in mineral exploitation. The learning approach in Denmark was participatory with participants relating the issues discussed to what existed in their countries. All participants developed an action plan that could be implemented in their organisation in relation to the training module. The course did not only centre on natural resources, participants were treated to a talk on Danish governance system and traditions as well as socialising with other Danida Fellowship Centre fellows from other countries.
The second phase of the course was held in Uganda by ILI and it focused on Uganda’s oil and gas extraction .The course in Uganda was made up of field visits to Hoimadistrict .Participants had the opportunity to engage Hoima district council, Tullow,The Petroleum Exploration and Production Department and CSO representatives on the proposed oil exploitation in the district. The visits enabled participants to relate the good natural resource governance principles as discussed in Denmark to practises that existed in Uganda and its impact on the environment, communities and the state. In all fifteen participants from Africa and Asia took part in the course