Enhance Skills of Affected Communities to Explore Local Content Initiatives

Dr  Emmanuel Yamoah Tenkorang of University of Cape Coast has recommended  District Assemblies, Business Advisory Centres and NGOs, in collaboration with technical, technology, engineering,science-based tertiary institutions and intermediate technology transfer centres conduct skills training programmes for the youth in the mining districts to enhance their capacities and their chances of securing the technical, engineering and science-related job openings in the mining, oil and gas companies.

 He made mention of this at the launch of the research report on exploring the local content potential for participation in gold and oil and gas exploitation in Ghana: A case of Tano North and Nkoranza South Municipalities. The report concludes that the levels of education in both districts were low, considering the job descriptions within the mining and petroleum sectors. In addition to this, educated respondents were generally qualified in arts and business-related programmes as against mathematics and science-related subjects, which constitute the core business of the two sectors.

Dr  Emmanuel Yamoah Tenkorang of University of Cape Coast has recommended  District Assemblies, Business Advisory Centres and NGOs, in collaboration with technical, technology, engineering,science-based tertiary institutions and intermediate technology transfer centres conduct skills training programmes for the youth in the mining districts to enhance their capacities and their chances of securing the technical, engineering and science-related job openings in the mining, oil and gas companies.


He made mention of this at the launch of the research report on exploring the local content potential for participation in gold and oil and gas exploitation in Ghana: A case of Tano North and Nkoranza South Municipalities. The report concludes that the levels of education in both districts were low, considering the job descriptions within the mining and petroleum sectors. In addition to this, educated respondents were generally qualified in arts and business-related programmes as against mathematics and science-related subjects, which constitute the core business of the two sectors.

The launch was attended by diverse stakeholders in the extractive sector comprising media personnel, civil society organisations and affected mining communities. The report  was sponsored by Wacam with support from OSIWA and Ford Foundation

Download report https://s3.amazonaws.com/new-wacam-static1/report/Exploring+local+content+report-Dr+Tenkorang.pdf